Hear what Garvey said to the Jamaican Government and people. ...The white economic structures is going to have to change. Jamaica has got to be prepared for that, where we've got to be self-sufficient, at the present time we import even something as simple as onions. That is absolutely and totally ridiculous, when we have a tropical country and we can have two or three growing seasons where you can grow anything: you can sow a seed out there and tomorrow you have a massive tree, not just a plant, so it's absolutely ridiculous for us not to be self-sufficient in food.
Looking for a good romance novel to read? It’s coming soon, be on the lookout for the first romance book from author and poet E Lloyd Kelly
#Hardcoresex talk from a teenage boy and the women who helped in shaping him
Free book promotion is here for the New Year. January jump-off is a free book promotion for all of the titles on the poet’s bookshelf. This is my way of celebrating my birthday and saying thank you to all of you my loyal supporters.
Go to the bookshelf now at: Amazon.com/author/elloydkelly
How to tell stories, about Jamaica? black blood has just done it for you.
When my blood is black, and I’m Jamaican, all sorts of whacky things are likely to happen. Whether I'm Jamaican in the diaspora or at home. Come on now, let's take you on a wild ride down Jamaica way, with Black blood.
This point was made very clear in the speech made by Dr. Garvey to an appreciative audience in Montreal recently. Garvey spoke very eloquently on the life and work of his illustrious father and what it was that had motivated him into action and launched him on a mission to redeem the black man and to reconstructing the African civilization.
Here’s a piece of poetry which I came across recently and just could not resist the urge to share it with you my readers, this is a poem that hits the spot hard for me, hope it does as much and more for you.
Note: this was published in the Commonwealth Education Trust Books, 2014. I lay no claim to the ownership of this material, it is used only on my understanding of it being in the public domain and my true love for the piece.
Here is the poem By: John Agard
Flip a coin on this one to see what the outcome may be. That’s what the poet was left to do
a reading of the books “Some Sh...y vacation” and 76. Clancy’s vacation in their printed forms showed a number of errors, jumbled sentences and misspellings.
Some of which (we believe was caused by issues with our transmission software or processes) We were being a bit overconfident in the processes which brought about the project at the first, so when a few issues were discovered, we attempted to correct those without doing the due diligence at each step of the way as we should have done.