Spaces; now available on Amazon/Kindle

New release of Spaces; the second edition, is now available in Paperback as well as ebook forms on Amazon/Kindle. Author E. Lloyd Kelly’s 2nd Edition of the book: Spaces; My space, your space and the public space with a lot more meat-to-the-bone is a tongue-n-cheek look at life as seem from the driver’s seat by the author.

Picture of the book; Spaces
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Spaces: My Space, your Space and the Public Space is a tell-all book chronicling the stories, the real stories, Montreal’s road stories. Follow us in this intriguing tales of life on the roads of Montreal, whether in your capacity as a motorist, cyclist, pedestrian or just as an observant bystander.

E Lloyd Kelly the Author who is also a poet and shuttle bus driver at McGill university, tell a riveting tale of life on the roads on the roads of the city of Montreal Quebec as well as life as is experienced on any road, anywhere.

Some of these anecdotes are back up with visual support via YouTube videos posted under a series call; Crazy chicken or crazy egg

Which comes first in Montreal Quebec? Crazy chicken or crazy egg?

Follow us as we go seek out the answers.  

Also; starting today, you are in the right pace to benefit from a timely price discount on another of Kelly’s books;

Some Sh...y vacation is now going at deep discounted prices for the weekend of Mar. 10 – 13th. Get your copy today and save.

Because the first edition of this Title did not live up too well to expectation, that’s what now lead to this current edition and it also come with a lot more meat-to-the-bones, lot more to enjoy. Some of the other stories as well as the poems found herein may also be found elsewhere on some of my websites or social media accounts, please take a moment to explore these where ever possible to get the full feel of those pieces. Thank you and as always; remember to walk good, when walking these crazy ole streets. 

Here is an excerpt from the new Spaces for you. It is a Poem call;

Welcome to Montreal once again  

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Welcome to Montreal once again,

a place where all & varied views can contend

Even though one might get turned around and sometimes and get send,

to the far side of the farm to water and tend,

yes, it’s okay to get upset on some day but…

be sure to make your way back to Montreal again

This is my Montreal,

and she’s the fairest, finest city of them all

World renown for her many festivals,

Rubbing shoulders with street protesters, and carnival

so what if there are a few traffic delay,

Or a construction work site causes them to turn you away

Because the ramp has just been closed which leads to the highway

This is Montreal for you, enjoy it anyway

This is not a problem about which to complain,

You just might be pleasantly surprised at what awaits you down the lane

Might just be another reason to ditch the plan to never set foot here again

But go add this “new find” to your bucket list and make it Montreal, one more time again

That plan you’d made to tour Centre ville

Was disrupted by backhoes, jack-hammer and a thousand drills

And you’re finding it hard to swallow the bitter pill

It’s okay, make a U-turn and go see St. Joseph on top of the hill

But whatever you do and wherever the road leads you from here my friend, make sure you make the effort to make it Montreal one more time again.


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