Choosing a leader is hard work, how to choose the right leader is quite another matter. Here’s a poem about choosing a leader who actually leads from in front
Choosing the right leader is not always easy, especially when the choice is from amongst young, untried and unproven candidates. So many a times we are left to make blind/hail Mary guesses or pick the apparent lesser of the evils. Choosing a leader in these ways can be a hit or a miss, seldom though one gets what appears to be a big hit from the get go after choosing a leader via these means.
As things are turning out these days it would appear as if we might be seeing history in the making as one (or more) such leader(s) are evolving before our very eyes. It is with these observations that I wrote this poem which focuses on one such Leader-in-the-making. This poem is call:
Here is the feature poems for you call:
To be a Leader (leading from in front)
Note; This poem was written especially for the husband and wife team who has recently been endowed with the awesome responsibility of leading a nation from poverty to prosperity.
I’m talking about none other than the Prime Minister of Jamaica The Most Hon. Andrew Holness and his dear wife Juliet. Much more power to you both and your team also, working alongside for the betterment of our beloved country Jamaica; land of my birth.
This is Poem #19 of 19 (or more) in the newly published Book of poems Called;
Waters of Silver Springs Now Avail. On Amazon/Kindle
Here now is the poem call;
To be a Leader (leading from in front)
To be a Leader (leading from in front)
They said that you couldn’t win it
They said you weren’t ready
They said that you have way too many friends
Whom you done turned to enemy
They said that you couldn’t do it
They said you were too young
“I’ve got this”, you told the doubting clan
Then went on to won it, by a margin of one.
“Just one you know” many was quick to say,
And that one was never enough to get you all the way
But the others who knew’s that they couldn’t loose,
Know that they’d lost it by a runaway.
You then set out to rebuild a country
And make of it the very best
Out of the gate you hit the ground running
And has been working since; like a man possessed
The things you set out then to do
Some said “it just cannot work”,
But you went out doing and showing by example
Your turn-coat admirers are now popping out of every woodwork.
First there were one, now there are two, a wife, a mother and a helpmate too
The master has timed it well and send her off to you,
Now the masses are saying and the echo come thundering through.
That there is nothing, it would seem that this woman cannot do
Your very own Jamaican queen strong
In the eyes of many, she can do no wrong
All be it a part of the master plan
I’m sure I just heard Steve Urkel say; Wow, what a woman!
The work is not yet done no, you’ve only just begun,
You’ve got to raise up a nation’s children, her daughters and her sons
But they are behind you, at least some of them are,
And with the Almighty’s hands to lead and guide you, you’re bound to reach the shiny stars.
E Lloyd Kelly (The Poet) 25/10/16
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