Hi there, welcome to this little spot on the mount, they say that the acoustics are brilliant here, no microphone needed, no amplification to make things clear. Just open your ear and listen to what the poet has to say, he says it loud, and he say it clear, just peradventure someone will hear something worthwhile.
The word is now out and the excitement level is at fever pitch, 76; Clancy's journey, written and produced by; E. Lloyd Kelly (The poet) is now on the shelves in Amazon/Kindle stores worldwide. Follow the link to go see the book now. Go ahead, start reading this new and exciting book by Author and poet E Lloyd Kelly. Just click the Preview button at the bottom of the red book image, please share this with others via the share button right there beside the preview button and feel free to leave us a brief comment or review. Happy reading
Sunset Poem
Sitting here in awe I’m a-watching
The hot yellow sun slowly a-setting
Tumbling down bit by bit
Carrying the light of day with it
Watching shadows a-growing tall
As dark grew brave into nightfall
And geese fly south to yonder rest
To feed their young and cover the nest
But I'm still sitting in this same ole spot
As I blinked the eyes in awe and watch
The golden sun’s long spiky ray
B/Sides stained glass windows in tall frame-A
In the front of a church where the speckled bird perched
And I still a-sitting in awe and stare,
At the sinking sun behind trees there
Where the sun went down… and out.
By; E Lloyd Kelly 29th Sept. 2016
There will be poems about Montreal traffic woes.
There will be poems about some bad days and not-so-bad ones too, but this is Montreal the fairest of them all.
Whatever you do. don't sweat it, relax, enjoy the ride and...
Welcome to Montreal once again, a place where all varied views can contend
Even though one might get turned around and sometimes get send,
To the far side of the farm to water and tend, yes it’s okay to get upset on some day but… be sure to make your way back to Montreal... again
This here is my Montreal, and she’s the fairest, finest city of them all
World renown for her many festivals,
Rubbing shoulders with street protesters, and carnival
So what if there are a few traffic delay,
Or a construction work-site causes them to turn you away
Because the ramp has just been closed which leads to the highway
This is Montreal for you, enjoy it anyway
This is not a problem about which to complain,
You just might be pleasantly surprised at what awaits you down the lane
Might just be another reason to ditch that plan; to never set foot here again
But finds that you add this “new find” to your bucket list and make it Montreal, one more time again
That plan you’d made to tour Centreville
Was disrupted by backhoes, jack-hammer and a thousand drills
And you’re finding it hard to swallow the bitter pill
It’s okay, make a U-turn and go see St. Joseph on top of the hill
But whatever you do and wherever the road leads you from here my friend, make sure you make the effort to make it Montreal, one more time... again.
E Lloyd Kelly 27/10/16
Sweet water of Silver
Sweet water of Silver
Spring, oh what soft soothing pleasures you bring
To my eyes my ears my thirsty lips
My tongue so long to taste your flowing delight.
While skins touches your smooth cascades beneath the soft shadows of
Your slender Arms hugs the neck of Athlone way over on the
Whilst George Town's high hills caresses your
Yet your cool clear waters bubbles and constantly your waters
Where do you come from they asked, and where do you hasten to
No one has ever answer, nobody seems to know.
Young ladies fair washing their hair, bending beneath your crystal
Shadowed curtains around them drawn, be it at nightfall or at early
Chattering women washing their load.
On rocks smooth surfaces by the side of the road.
Valiant young men awaits their turn.
Sits on the culvert's edge as they discover and as they
Just one short leg away from hip to toe.
You burst up from the ground and hurries to go
By lush green trees while bending low.
They salutes and bows in reverent show
Sumptuous, refreshing, sugary Sweet water of my unassuming Silver
You winds your way over rocks and river Moss all live long
Until you pours out of your glad waters, into the anxious jaws of
Rio Sambre.
L. Kelly. Feb 2016
The Road
(Dedicated to everyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one to the road)
Lilly white roses yellow pink and red, freshly cut flowers piled high in bundle
Monuments of sacraments amidst the flickering lights of many burning candles
Heartfelt offerings from strangers and friends, for one who’s life “on this very spot” met its fatal end.
I see them there a teddy bear on well-carved lawn corner lots, I see them everywhere
Bouquets and crosses marks the sites of loved ones loses, that bridge once crossed means innocence lost, and another mother cries, papa sighs, crying, sighing for a child who’s not coming home, much too soon gone.
Ghost cycle painted white, chained up against corrugated lamppost beneath city lights, there on the corner where his last ride ends; in doom, it’s an exhibit there in memory of one; gone too soon.
Holes burned black in asphalt that marks well the spot, twisted metals and debris there I see, fragments of the impact, which sends unsuspecting souls to yonder home never to return here, danger they say lurks on every roads; some real, some imagined, beware users beware.
Firemen’s hoses powerful beams washes the bleeding down a sewer stream,
yet while one walks these shiny streets, the bloodstain whines beneath the feet,
Trucks and cars with flashing lights, as seen from far through the still dark night, weary troopers fast losing sleep, must reopen these roads so with brooms they sweep, and mop, and wash, and scrub the surface clean, of all that’s left of a mother’s treasured dream.
Calvin drove his Cherokee jeep, down a ravine sloping steep, and into the icy cold water it sunk deep, nose first down, and the bubbles came up, then snow fell down, and cover him in.
And yet the road just keeps on twisting, turning, winding along,
She marches to the beat of her own tam, tam, she doesn’t care much about all that zoom, zoom zooming along. Honking flashing, flipping, crashing; rolling up in mangled wreck/less abandoned of foolish exuberance wrapped up in the hearts of the simple and the young.
She’s just the road, friend and foe of the way-faring man, she takes one from point A to B and all points in between them, other than that; she don’t give a damn.
By; E Lloyd Kelly 2015
Then there are Liars and God deniers who are now becoming testifiers
swearing on Bible which they Are Liable
To values much less than market place flyers.
Seeking straight answer for their crooked questions
the truth though they conveniently skip, sparsely their consciences prick
this too, they forgot to mention.
Crooked technicians playing the fool, keeps themselves busy designing tools,
then with just as much vigor they are making the rules
which governs the game for everyone else
while they pile on the glory, wealth and the fame but only for themselves.
Boastful dealers and custom stealers all professing to show,
how much they be savvy and in the know,
while busily manipulating things the way they want them to go
and there's that someone who gathers all the spoils
though it was another who did labor, another who toil.
By; The Poet, E. Lloyd Kelly, May 2016
Jenny was
Jenny was a very pretty little girl till somebody took her out of this world
Those small town cops didn’t ask for help, they try to solve the case all by themselves they never did, and I wish Jenny had lived, Oh but she never did oh how I wish Jenny had lived.
So I tried very hard to make some sense of it but somehow all the pieces does not fit, she was somebody’s queen-of-hearts who dreamt of marriage and a family to start she never did, and I wish Jenny had lived, but she never did oh I wish Jenny had lived
That afternoon it was not late she went for a walk out by the lake,
she wanted to soak up some fresh air before her walk back to the house there where Jenny live, and I wish Jenny had lived, but she never did I really wish Jenny had lived
Heaven only knows and can say why, some people live while others may die, why now can’t I stop these tears from falling, for Jenny sweet girl Jenny I wish Jenny had lived
She had big dreams and set her sights on some day to see her name in lights with the contest won she was all set to go to the big city to start the show she never did, and I wish Jenny had lived, but she never did
To solve the case those lawmen fail, they foal up big on the small details it still hurts me to see the real sloppy job which those lawmen did with all the leads they had they never did, and I wish Jenny had lived, but she never did
Now forty years come and forty years gone and still those killers has never been found those town folks wants to put it all to rest but somehow it’s been without success they never did, and I wish Jenny had lived, but she never did.
Note; This was written with the intent of recording it as a song but then I changed my mind. Dedicated to those still languishing in the wake of an unsolved crime. We also grieve
Prelude Note: This poem is on youtube
Fling Flung as Emotions Sprang
Holding Diablo’s Careless Hand
Like The Sad Refrain of an Ancient Song
About Dan, And A Man & A Van
Coated Sugar Cubes As the Errands Went
Allennor’s Exhausted Vacations Spent
Sitting in Limbo Gripping Wistful Lament
Hastily Made Decisions Masked In Repent
Sweet Revenge a Mother’s Seed. Hovering North the Tender Reeds
Heavy Eyelids Awaiting Gluttonous Sleep. Morn’s Piercing Notes to jerk the Feet
Like Cords Hang Loose On Fizzled Ends. Too Far Removed From Make Amends
Blissful Lovers Has Long Gone And Spend. Life Line Extended Western Union Send
Fling Flung Emotions Sprang. Diablo’s Cold Crooked Fingers Still, Still Holding Strong
Born for this
See it on youtube
A glimpse into your pile of nothingness at how futile your life has
You’re going to take nothing when you go out of here cause you
brought nothing in
You’re a loser there I said it, you’re just trying to save your very
But until you lose what’s to be lost, you’re never ever going to
You are trying and trying so very hard, wanting so much to
Just so you may consume it all, in all your envy and in your
But you’re a loser I know it, despite the social stair you be
Until you lose what’s to be lost, you are never going to
You’ve kicked the doors wide open and then, steamroll over haters
same as loving friend
Yet in all of this you can’t venture beyond
That someone who’s standing right there you see, is that someone
else who’s holding the key
He’s there to remind you if you’ll but listen to
That you’re a loser mister man, and there’s a reason why you can’t
get in,
Until you lose what’s to be lost, you are never going
You spread your feathers like a blooming peacock, and boast of all
the fine blings you’ve got
But what good is all that to you I wonder, when you are lying
stretched out six feet under
Before that day finally break, it may do you good if notice you
take, that you are a loser my friend, born to lose in order to win
except for losing your load of sin, you are never ever going to
E Lloyd Kelly